Grayson Thomas Sexton

This is my page for building up funds for college. Dad's still in the process of investigating 429s, 529s, and all those other 29s, so I thought I'd start my Lemon-Ade, oops, I mean College Aid Stand. Other kids sell Lemon-Ade to make money.  I'm taking advantage of affiliate programs that pay me for sending them traffic!! When I get older, I'll start looking into grants and scholarships and a part time job.

So if you'd like to help me start making money for college, please use my links below to shop with your favorite stores and vendors. I've got affiliations with some of the most popular places to shop. When you click on my links, and then make a purchase, my affiliate partners compensate me for sending them the business. I'd like to send them as much business as I can!! This applies to any "shopping" type ads you may see on my site. Check back often, as I'm always on the lookout for new partners and may have some new places for you to shop.

Dad is also be looking into Trusts and Savings Plans. I've heard him say that it takes a lot of money to pay for college, and he needs to start saving now.

Or shop with any of my affiliate partners below!
If you don't see a vendor you like to shop with, email Dad, and he will check into whether they have an affiliate program.
His address is

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